List of Works by Louisa Stuart Costello:
Maid of Cypress Isle (1815)
Songs of a Stranger (1825)
Venice and the Venetians, with
a glance at the Vaudois and the Tyrol (184-?)
A summer amongst the Bocages
and the Vines (Three notices) (1840)
The Queen's Prisoner (1841)
History of Soissons (July 31, 1841)*
A Pilgrimage to Auvergne from
Picardy to le Velay (1842)
Karah Kaplan (April 9, 1842)*
The Glass of Water (April 16, 1842)*
Poems: by Jean Reboul (April 23, 1842)*
The Journey to Pontoise (May 28, 1842)*
New History of Paris (June 11, 1842)*
Romantic Biography of the Age
of Elizabeth, by the Benedictine Order of Glendalough
(June 11, 1842)*
Popular Songs of Brittany (July 16, 1842)*
Popular Tales of the Ancient
(July 16, 1842)*
History of a Breton College
under the Empire (July 23, 1842)*
Dresses and Decorations of
the Middle Ages, from the Seventh to the Seventeenth
Centuries (August 13, 1842)*
Descriptive and Historical
Sketches of Avranches and its Vicinity (August 20, 1842)*
The Curl Papers of Jasmin (November 5, 1842)*
Notices of Reformation in the
South West Province of France (November 19, 1842)*
Gabrielle (1843)
Bearn and the Pyrenees (1843)
Poetry of Bearn (January 7, 1843)*
History of Bearn and the Basque
(February 4, 1843)*
The Poems of Duke Charles of
(July 29, 1843)*
The Pyrenees (May 6, 1843)*
Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen
The Falls, Lakes and Mountains
of North Wales (1845)
The Rose Garden of Persia (1845)
A Tour to and from Venice,
by the Vaudois and the Tyrol (1846)
Jacques Coeur, the french argonaut
and his times (1847)
Clara Fane (1848)
Memoirs of Mary, the Young
Duchess of Burgundy, and her Contemporaries (1853)
The History of the Painters
of All Nations
(July 31, 1852)*
The Elements of Picturesque
(January 8, 1853)*
The Fine Arts, their Nature
and Relations
(February 5, 1853)*
Memoirs of Anne, duchess of
Brittany, twice queen of France (1855)
The Book of French Songs John Oxenford, translator.