Selected Bibliographical Resources for Felicia Hemans

  © Byeonghoon Hwang,  2002


Accessible websites for Felicia Hemans


Other accessible Biographical sources


Biographical Particulars,

Mrs Hemans. New Monthly Magazine June 1835.

[Moir, D.M.] Obituary notice, Mrs. Hemans. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine July 1835.

Obituary.--Mrs. Hemans. GM July 1835.

Mrs. Hemans. Western Monthly Magazine Sept 1835.

Chorley, H.F. Memorials of Mrs Hemans. 2 vols. London, Philadelphia 1836. Portions in Athenaeum 13 June, 27 June, 11 July 1835. Reviews: Literary Gazette 3 Sept 1836, Dublin Review Dec 1836, New York Review March 1837, Christian Review Sept 1837.

Lawrence, Mrs [Rose D'Aguilar]. The last autumn at a favourite residence, with other poems: and Recollections of Mrs Hemans. Liverpool, London 1836.

[Hughes (Owen), Harriett Browne.] "Memoir of the life and writings of Mrs Hemans." In Vol 1 of The Works of Mrs Hemans. Edinburgh 1839. Reviews: Christian Examiner Jan 1840, ("Religious character of the poetry of Mrs. Hemans"), Christian Review March 1840.

Howitt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets (vol 1). New York 1846.

Dixon, W.H. Lady Morgan's memoirs, autobiography, diaries and correspondence. 2nd en. 1863.

L'Estrange, A.G. Letters of Mary Russell Mitford. 3 vols 1st ser. 1870.

Hall, S.C. A book of memories of great men and women of the age. London 1871.

Graves, R.P. Life of Sir William Rowan Hamilton (vols 1-3). Dublin 1882.

L'Estrange, A.G. The friendships of Mary Russell Mitford as recorded in letters from her literary correspondents. 2 vols. 1882.

Whately, E.W. Personal and family glimpses of remarkable people. London 1889.

Shaw, G.T. The Liverpool homes of Mrs. Hemans. Transactions of the historic society of Lancashire and Cheshire 1897.

Nicholson, F. "Correspondence between Mrs Hemans and Matthew Nicholson." Memoirs and  proceedings of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society (no 9) 54 1910.

Williams, I.A. "Wordsworth, Mrs Hemans, and Robert Perceval Graves." London Mercury 6 May-  Oct 1922.

Smith, G.N. The chronicles of a Puritan family in Ireland. Oxford 1923.

Smith, G.N. [A lady of quality under the Georges.] Dublin Magazine July-Sept, Oct-Dec 1927.

Bell, Mrs. G.H. The Hamwood papers of the Ladies of Llangollen and Caroline Hamilton. 1930.

S[cott], N.L. "Old letters." Alumni Dublinensis. Dec 1831.

Centenary article on Mrs. Hemans. Liverpool Daily Post 16 May 1935.

Fellowes, E.H. and E. Pike, eds. The Tenbury letters. 1942. [Priv ptd Golden Cockerel Press.]

Cunningham, W.R. "Mrs Hemans at Rydal Mount." TLS 23 Oct 1943.

Leslie, M.I. "Felicia Hemans: the basis of a biography; by Temple Lane." Dublin 1943. Diss.

Woods, R.L. Famous poems and the little-known stories behind them. New York 1961.

Clarke, N. Ambitious heights: writing, friendship, love--the Jewsbury sisters, Felicia Hemans, and Jane Welsh Carlyle. London 1990.

Barker-Benfield, B. "Hogg-Shelley papers of 1810-12." Bodleian Library Record 14 Oct 1991.


Selected works of criticism


"Remarks on Mrs Hemans's poems." Edinburgh Magazine Nov 1819.

"The living poets of England." Literary Magnet ns1 March 1826.

[Bancroft, G.] "Mrs Hemans's poems." North American Review ns30 April 1827.

[Jeffrey, F.] "Felicia Hemans." Edinburgh Review 50 1829; rptd in his Contributions to the Edinburgh Review, 1844.

[Jewsbury, M.J.] "Felicia Hemans: Literary sketches No. 1." Athenaeum 12 Feb 1831.

"Biographical particulars of celebrated persons, lately deceased: Mrs Hemans." New Monthly Magazine June 1835.

Landon, L.E. "On the character of Mrs Hemans's writings." New Monthly Magazine Aug 1835.

Norton, A. "The poetry of Mrs Hemans." Christian Examiner 3rd ser 1 1836.

Thatcher, B.B. "The poetry of Mrs Hemans." Religious Souvenir. Philadelphia 1836.

Hervey, T.K. "Life and writings of Mrs Hemans: Art xii, The Vespers of Palermo, etc." Dublin Review 2 Dec 1836.

"Genius and character of Mrs. Hemans." American Monthly Magazine March 1837.

[Butler, W.A.] "The poetesses of our day." Dublin University Magazine Aug 1837.

Hall, S.C. "Felicia Hemans." in his The book of gems: poets and artists of Great Britain, vol 3. London 1838.

"Mrs. Hemans and the picturesque school." Fraser's Magazine Feb 1840.

[Tuckerman, H.T.] in Southern Literary Messenger May-June 1841. Rptd as "Introduction" Poems of  Felicia Hemans. Ed R.W. Griswold. New York 1853.

Elwood, K.A. in her Memories of literary ladies of England. 1843.

Griswold, R. in his Poets and poetry of the nineteenth century. New York 1844, 1874.

Wilson, J. in his Noctes ambrosianae, vo1 1. Edinburgh, 1844. 4 vols.

Gilfillan, G. "Female Authors. No. I--Mrs. Hemans." Tait's Edinburgh Magazine June 1847. Rptd in Eclectic Magazine July 1847, Littel's Living Age 14 1847, and his Second gallery of literary portraits. Edinburgh 1850.

Bethune, G.W. in his British female poets. 1848, Freeport, New York, 1972.

[Moir, D.M., and W.H. Smith.] Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine Dec 1848. Rptd Eclectic Magazine Feb 1849, Littel's Living Age Feb 1849.

Sainte-Beuve, C.-A. in his Causeries de lundi: Portraits de femmes et portraits litt raires. vols 3, 11, 15, 16. Paris [1850]. 16 vols.

Moir, D.M. in his Sketches of the poetical lit of the past half-century. Edinburgh 1852.

Rowton, F. in his The female poets of Great Britain. Philadelphia 1853, rptd. Detroit 1981.

Williams, J. in her The literary women of England. 1861.

Rossetti, W.M. "Introduction." Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans. Ed W.M. Rossetti, London [Moxon etc] 1873 etc, New York 1902. Rptd as "Felicia Dorothea Hemans." Lives of   famous poets. London 1878.

"Felicia Dorothea Hemans: Celebrated authoresses and their works no xiii." Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine Aug 1879.

Robinson, A.M.F. "Felicia Hemans." The English poets: selections with critical introductions, vol 1. Ed T.H. Ward. London 1880, New York 1907.

Oliphant, M. in her The literary history of England in the end of the eighteenth and beginning of the nineteenth century. London 1882, New York 1970.

Robertson, E.S. "Mrs Hemans" [ch. 6]. in his English poetesses: a series of critical biographies. London 1883.

Schipper, J. "Neuenglische metrik," vol 2. Englische metrik in historischer und systematischer enwickelung dargestelt. Bonn 1888. 2 vols.

Walford, L.B. Twelve English authoresses. 1892.

Smith, N. in her Noble womanhood. 1898.

[Ardo.] "Mrs. Hemans: a literary progenitress of Rudyard Kipling." Acad and Lit 24 Oct 1903.

Miles, A.H. in his The poets and poetry of the nineteenth century, vol 8. London 1905.

Saintsbury, G. in his A history of nineteenth century literature. New York 1909.

Symons, A. in his The romantic movement in English poetry. London 1909.

Werner, E. "Die verstechnik der Felicia Hemans" [diss]. Erlangen 1913.

Ledderbogen, W.F.D. "Felicia Dorothea Hemans' lyrik, eine stilkritik." Heidelberg 1913. Diss.

Ruprecht, W.K. "Felicia Hemans und die englischen beziehungen sur deutschen literatur." Anglia 48 1924.

Liddell, M.F. "Ferdinand Freilingrath's debt to English poets, I and II." Modern Language Review 1928.

Dum ril, E. Une femme po te au d clin du romantisme anglais: Felicia Hemans. Toulouse 1929.     

Courtney, J.E. in her The adventurous thirties: a chapter in the women's movement. 1933, Freeport, New York, 1967.

Saintsbury, G. in his The nineteenth century. Vol 12 of Cambridge History of English Literature. Cambridge 1933.

Wilson, E. Felicia Hemans. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1952.

Saintsbury, G. in his A history of English prosody, vol 3. New York 1961.

Kutrieh, M.G. "Felicia Hemans." Popular British romantic women poets. Bowling Green, Ohio, 1974.

Kaplan, C. in her Salt and bitter and good: three centuries of English and American women poets. New York 1975.

Reiman, D.H. Introduction. Poems, England and Spain, Modern Greece, etc, by Felicia Hemans. Vols  64-70 The romantic context: poetry. New York 1978.

Walker, C. in her The nightingale's burden: women poets and American culture before 1900. Bloomington, Indiana, 1982.

Hickok, K. in her Representations of women. Westport, Connecticut, 1984.

Trinder, P.W. Mrs Hemans. [Cardiff] 1984.

Ross, M.B. in his The contours of masculine desire: romanticism and the rise of women's poetry. New York 1989.

Jones, N.R. "Felicia Hemans." In Dictionary of literary biography 2nd ser, vol 92. Detroit 1990.

Wordsworth, J. Introduction. The records of woman, by F.D. Hemans. Oxford 1991.

Leighton, A. in her Victorian women poets: writing against the heart. Charlottesville, Virginia, 1992.

Anderson, J. Beyond Calliope: epics by women poets of the romantic period. Boston 1993.

Armstrong, I. In her Victorian poetry: poetry, poetics and politics. 1993.

Curran, S. in "Women readers, women writers." In his The Cambridge companion to British romanticism. Cambridge 1993.

Mellor, A.K. in her Romanticism and gender. New York 1993.

[McGann, J. J.] "Literary history, romanticism, and Felicia Hemans." MLQ 54 (June 1993). Revised in Re-visioning romanticism: British women writers, 1776-1837, ed C.S. Wilson and   J. Haefner. Philadelphia 1994.

Morlier, M.M. "Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Felicia Hemans: The 'poetess problem'" Studies in Browning and His Circle 20 1993 (70-79).

Stephenson, G. "Poet construction: Mrs Hemans, L.E.L., and the image of the nineteenth-century woman poet." in Reimagining women: representations of women in culture, ed S. Neuman and G. Stephenson. Toronto, 1993.

Sweet, N. The bowl of liberty: Felicia Hemans and the romantic Mediterranean. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1993.

Feldman, P.R. "Felicia Hemans and the mythologizing of Blake's death." Blake: An Illustrated Quarterly 27 Winter 1993-94.

Lootens, T. "Hemans and home: Victorianism, feminine 'internal enemies', and the domestication of national identity." PMLA 109 March 1994.

Sweet, N. "History, imperialism, and the aesthetics of the beautiful: Hemans and the post-Napoleonic moment". in At the limits of romanticism, ed M.A. Favret and N.J. Watson, Bloomington, Indiana, 1994.

Tucker, H.F. "House arrest: the domestication of English poetry in the 1820s." New Literary History 25 1994.

Wolfson, S. "'Domestic affections' and 'the spear of Minerva': Felicia Hemans and the dilemma of gender." in Re-visioning romanticism: British women writers, 1776-1837, ed C.S. Wilson and J. Haefner. Philadelphia 1994.

Zhou, X. "Bishop's 'Casabianca'". Explicator 52 1994.

Albergotti, C.D. "Byron, Hemans, and the reviewers, 1807-1835." Unpbd diss, Univ South Carolina 1995.

Cochran, P. "Fatal fluency, fruitless dower." TLS 29 July 1995: 13.

Berliner, D.G. "The female romantic imagination." Unpub diss, Univ Texas, Dallas 1995.

Blain, V. "'Thou with earth's music answerest to the sky': Felicia Hemans, Mary Anne Browne, and the myth of poetic sisterhood." Women's Writing 2 1995.

Harding, A.J. "Felicia Hemans and the effacement of woman". in Romantic women writers: voices and countervoices, ed P.R. Feldman and T.M. Kelley, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1995.

Wolfson, S. "Gendering the soul in romanticism". in Romantic women writers: voices and countervoices, ed P.R. Feldman and T.M. Kelley, Hanover, New Hampshire, 1995.

Edgar, C. "The negotiations of the romantic popular poet: a comparison of the careers of Felicia Hemans and Lord Byron". Unpub diss, New York Univ 1996.

Linley, M. "Sappho's Conversions in Felicia Hemans, Letitia Landon, and Christina Rossetti." Prism(s): Essays in Romanticism 1996 (15-42).

McGann, J.A. In his The politics of sensibility. Oxford 1996.

Goslee, N.M. "Hemans's 'Red Indians': Reading stereotypes." in Romanticism, race, and imperial culture, 1780-1834, ed A. Richardson and S. Hofkosh, Bloomington, Indiana, 1996.

Sweet, N. "'Hitherto closed to British enterprise': trading and writing the Hispanic world circa 1815." European Romantic Review 8 ,1997.

Feldman, P.R. "The poet and the profits: Felicia Hemans and the literary marketplace." Keats-Shelley Journal 46 1997.

Eubanks, K. "Minerva's veil: Hemans, critics, and the construction of gender." European Romantic Review 8 1997. [341-59]

Kabitoglou, E.D. "The pen and the sword: Felicia Hemans's records of man." in Romantic Masculinities, ed T. Pinkney, K. Hanley, F. Botting, Keele, 1997.

Saglia, D. "Epic or domestic?: Felicia Hemans's heroic poetry and the myth of the Victorian poetess." Rivista di studi vitoriani 2 1997. [125-47]

Kennedy, D. "Teaching Hemans in the First-Year Course." in Approaches to teaching British women poets of the romantic period, ed. S.C. Behrendt and H.K. Linkin, New York,    1997.

Kennedy, D. "Hemans, Wordsworth, and the 'literary lady'." Victorian Poetry 35 1997. [267-85]

Sweet, N. "Hemans's 'The widow of Crescentius': Beauty, sublimity, and the woman hero." in Approaches to teaching British women poets of the Romantic period, ed S.C. Behrendt and H.K. Linkin, New York, 1997.

Wolfson, S. "Men, women and 'fame': Teaching Felicia Hemans". in Approaches to teaching British women poets of the Romantic period, ed S.C. Behrendt and H.K. Linkin, New York, 1997.

McGann, J.J. "The failures of romanticism," in Romanticism, history, and the possibilities of genre, ed. T. Rajan and J.M. Wright, Cambridge, 1998.

Roberts, A. "Felicia Hemans, Records of Woman." in A Companion to Romanticism. ed Duncan Wu, Oxford, 1998.

Ruwe, D.R. "The canon-maker: Felicia Hemans and Torquato Tasso's sister." in Comparative Romanticisms: power, gender, subjectivity. Ed L.H. Peer and D.L. Hoeveler. Columbia, South Carolina, 1998.

Sweet, N. "Hemans, Heber, and 'Superstition and revelation': experiment and orthodoxy at the scene of writing." Romantic Passions, ed E. Fay. "Romantic Praxis, " Romantic Circles 1998.     []

Sweet, N. "'Lorenzo's' Liverpool and 'Corinne's' Coppet: the Italianate salon and Romantic education." in The lessons of Romanticism, ed. T. Pfau and R.F. Gleckner. Durham, North Carolina, 1998.

Taylor, B.D. "Felicia Hemans: the making of a professional writer." Unpd diss, U Loughborough      1998.

Peel, E., and N. Sweet. "Corinne and the woman as poet in England: Hemans, Jewsbury, and Barrett Browning." in The novelss seductions: Staël's Corinne in critical inquiry. Ed K.Szmurlo, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, 1999.

Feldman, P.R. "Endurance and forgetting: what the evidence suggests." in Romanticism and women poets: opening the doors of reception. ed S.C. Behrendt and H.K. Linkin, Lexington, Kentucky, 1999.

Wolfson, S. "Felicia Hemans and the revolving doors or reception." in Romanticism and women poets: opening the doors of reception. ed S.C. Behrendt and H.K. Linkin, Lexington, Kentucky, 1999.

McConnell, K. "Praise between peers: Felicia Hemans in the Wordsworth household." in Relocating praise. ed Alice den Otter, Toronto, 2000.


Manuscript Collections

Letters and manuscripts in Harvard Univ; Huntington Lib; BL; Bodleian Lib; Liverpool Public Lib and Record Office; National Libs of Scotland and Wales; Massachusetts Historical Assoc; Alexandra College, Dublin; Boston Public Lib; Berg Collection, New York Public Lib; Historical Soc of Pennsylvania; John Murray; McGill, Princeton, Edinburgh, Duke Univs.



Boyle, A. An index to the annuals. Worcester 1967.

Jackson, J.R. de J. Romantic poetry by women. Oxford 1993.

Jones, L.B. The New Monthly Magazine, 1821 to 1830. Univ Colorado, 1970.



Poetical works ('4th Amer edn'). 2 vols New York 1828.

Poetical works (expanded, '5th Amer edn'). 2 vols New Haven 1828, Philadelphia 1832.

Poetical works of Hemans, Heber and Pollok. Philadelphia 1831 (rptd 1832, 1833, 1838).

Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans (with critical preface; with memoir by D.M. Moir). Philadelphia 1835 (no preface), Philadelphia 1836 (rptd 1837, 1839, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1847, l848, 1849, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1859, 1860, 1867. Boston 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859). With Hemans's notes. [Editions may vary under this impring.] Reviews: Amer Quart Rev June 1837, New York Rev March 1837, Christian Rev Sept 1837.

Works of Mrs Hemans. Ed (with memoir) by her sister [H. Hughes]. 7 vols. Edinburgh 1839[-1857], Philadelphia 1840[-?] (with An essay by L.H. Sigourney). Blackwood edn.

Complete works of Mrs Hemans. Ed her sister [H. Hughes]. 2 vols. New York and Philadelphia 1847, New York 1856. Appleton edn.

Poems of Felicia Hemans (chronologically arranged). Ed her sister [H. Hughes]. Edinburgh 1849 etc. Rptd as Poetical works of Felicia Hemans (with memoir by L.H. Sigourney). Boston 1853 (rptd 1858, 1860, 1861, 1864), New York 1853, 1868 (rptd 1873, 1874), Philadelphia [1860?].

Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans. Ed, introd W.M. Rossetti. London 1873 etc, New York 1902. Moxon edn.

Poetical works of Felicia Hemans (with preface). New York 1880, 1881. Amer Book Exchange   edn.

Poetical works of Mrs F. Hemans with memoir. 1876, 1881. Gall & Inglis edn.

Poetical works of Mrs F. Hemans. Edinburgh [1876, 1881].

Poetical works, rptd from the early editions. Edinburgh 1886, 1891.

Poetical works of Mrs Hemans. London, New York 1900. 'Albion' edn.

Poetical works of Mrs Hemans (rptd from early edns, with memoir, explanatory notes, etc.). [Ed anon; rev by Charles Hemans. Omits Siege of Valencia.] n.d. Warne 'Lansdowne' edn.

Poetical works of Felicia Dorothea Hemans. Oxford 1914. Lineated, indexed; lacks plays and Hemans's footnotes.

Poetical works of Mrs Hemans (with prefatory memoir, notes, etc). London [1920?]. Eyre & Spottiswoode edn.

Poems, etc, by Felicia Hemans. [Facs, ed, introd D.H. Reiman. Vols 64-70, Romantic Context: Poetry. 128 vols.] New York 1976-78.

Felicia Hemans: selected poems, letters, and reception materials. ed S. Wolfson. Princeton, New Jersey [2000].


The league of the Alps; The siege of Valencia; The vespers of Palermo; and other poems, [etc].   Ed A. Norton. 2 vols [in 4 parts]. Boston 1826-28. Reviews: Amer Quart Rev March 1827 and June 1837, United States Rev and Literary Gazette March 1827, [G. Bancroft] North Amer Rev April 1827, Christian Examiner March 1829.

Poems ('3rd Amer edn'). Hartford 1827.

Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans ('fourth Amer edn', expanded). 2 vols. New York 1828.

Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans. 2 vols. Philadelphia 1832. Ash edn.

Short sketch of the life of Mrs Hemans; with remarks on her poetry; and extracts. London 1835. J.Paul edn. Review: Athenaeum 28 Nov 1835.

Poetical remains of the late Mrs. Hemans (with memoir by D.M. Moir). Edinburgh, London 1836.[1st dated 1834]. Reviews: Literary Gazette 19 March 1836, Eclectic Rev July 1836, Dublin Rev Dec 1836.

Early blossoms of spring, with a life of the authoress. 1840. Juvenile poems.

Sacred poems of Mrs Hemans; and the Hebrew melodies of Lord Byron. New York 1844.

Songs; Scenes and hymns of life; and other poems; from the last London edn by her sister. New   York 1845.

Poems of Felicia Hemans (with an essay on her genius by H.T. Tuckerman). Ed R. Griswold, Philadelphia 1845 (rptd 1846, 1850).Rev as Poetical works of Mrs Felicia Hemans. Boston 1852. Records of woman, Songs of the affections and Songs and lyrics. Philadelphia, 1853. Poems. Edinburgh, London 1865.


Select poetical works)

Poems by Mrs Hemans. 1873, 1880, 1885 (with illustrations), 1894, 1896. Routledge edn.

Extracts from the lyrical poems of Mrs Hemans, etc. 1875. Stewart's School Ser.

Favorite poems. Boston 1877. Hemans birthday book. Ed R.G.B., Edinburgh [1884].

Poems...selected for use in schools. [1887]. Dreams of heaven. New York 1891.

Selections from Mrs Hemans. 1911.

Felicia Hemans: selected poems. ed. G. Kelly, Peterborough, Ontario


Individual works

Poems. Liverpool, London 1808. Reviews: Annual Rev 7 1808, Poetical Register 7 1808, Monthly Rev 60 Nov 1809.

England and Spain: or valour and patriotism. 1808. Verse. Reviews: Poetical Register 7 1808, Critical Rev April 1809, Br Critic April 1810.

The domestic affections, and other poems. 1812, 1843, 1844.

The restoration of the works of art to Italy. Oxford, London 1816, London [expanded] 1816. Verse. Reviews: Champion June 1816, Augustan Rev July 1816, GM July 1816, Br Critic Sept 1816, Literary Panorama Sept 1816, Monthly Rev March 1817, Antijacobin Rev Sept 1817, Br Rev Jan 1820, Quart Rev Oct 1820, Ladies' Monthly Museum ns13 1821.

Modern Greece: a poem [anon.]. 1817, 1821. Reviews: Br Lady's Mag July 1817, Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag Aug 1817, Br Rev Aug 1817, Monthly Rev Sept 1817, La Belle Assemblee Dec 1817, Literary and Political Examiner April 1818, Eclectic Rev Dec 1818, Fireside Mag Jan 1819.

Tales, and historic scenes, in verse. 1819, 1823, 1824 [?]. Rptd and Enlarged as Tales and historic scenes; and other poems. New York 1845, 1852, Edinburgh 1857. Reviews: Br Critic July 1819, Edinburgh Monthly Rev Aug 1819, Fireside Mag Sept 1819, Literary Gazette 18 Sept 1819, New Monthly Mag Oct 1819, Edinburgh Mag Nov 1819, Monthly Rev Dec 1819, Eclectic Rev Jan 1820, Monthly Mag Jan 1820, GM March 1820, Quart Rev Oct 1820, Ladies Monthly Museum ns13 1821.

Wallace's invocation to Bruce: a poem. Edinburgh, London 1819. Review: Edinburgh Monthly Rev Nov 1819.

The sceptic: a poem. 1820, 1821 with Stanzas to the memory of the late King. Reviews: European Mag Jan 1820, Literary Gazette 22 Jan 1820, Literary Chronicle 11 March 1820, Br Critic April 1820, Edinburgh Monthly Rev April 1820, Antijacobin Rev May 1820, Christian's Pocket Mag May & June 1820, Br Rev June 1820, Quart Rev Oct 1820, Lonsdale Mag Dec 1820, Ladies' Monthly Museum ns13 1821.

Stanzas to the memory of the late King. 1820, 1821 with 2nd edn of The skeptic. Review: Quart Rev Oct 1820, Ladies Monthly Museum ns13 1821.

Dartmoor: a poem which obtained the prize of fifty guineas proposed by the Royal Society of Lit. 1821. Reviews: East Lothian Mag 1 1820, Literary Gazette 11 May 1822.

A selection of Welsh melodies. 1822. Power edn, music arr John Parry.

The siege of Valencia: a dramatick poem; The last Constantine, with other poems. 1823.   Reviews: ApolloMag 1 1823, Br Rev 21 1823, Edinburgh Mag ns13 1823, Literary Museum no 62 1823, New European Mag 3 1823, Literary Gazette 21 June 1823, Edinburgh Literary Gazette 25 June 1823, Br Critic July 1823, Monthly Rev Oct 1823, New Monthly Mag Nov 1823, Dublin Rev 1836.

The vespers of Palermo: a tragedy, in five acts. 1823, [1877?]. Reviews: Literary Museum no87 1823, Mirror of the Stage 3 1823, Weekly Entertainer ns8 1823, Examiner [Dec] 1823,  Monthly Rev Dec 1823, Literary Chronicle 20 Dec 1823, Edinburgh Literary Gazette 24 Dec 1823, New Monthly Mag Jan 1824, Dublin Rev Dec 1836.

The vespers of Palermo. Performed Covent Garden 12 Dec 1823. Reviews: Times 13 Dec 1823, New Monthly Mag Jan 1824, Feb 1824. Performed Edinburgh Theatre 5 April 1824. Review: Edinburgh Advertiser Apr 1824.

The forest sanctuary, and other poems. 1825; Boston 1827, Edinburgh, London 1829 (enlarged),    1835; New York 1845; tr German 1871. Reviews: Christian Examiner 3 1826 [L.J. Park],   Inspector 1 1826, Lady's Mag ns7 1826, Monthly Mag ns1 1826, Panoramic Miscellany 11826, Spirit and Manners of the Age 1 1826, Ladies' Monthly Museum May 1826, Literary Gazette 6 May 1826, Literary Magnet June 1826, Monthly Mag or Br Register June 1826, Monthly Rev June 1826, New Monthly Mag July 1826, Literary Chronicle 19 Aug 1826, Edinburgh Rev Oct 1829.

Hymns on the works of nature for the use of children. [Ed A.Norton.] Boston 1827, London 1833.  Rptd as Hymns for childhood. Dublin, London 1834, 1839. Reviews: Dublin Univ Mag 3  1834, Athenaeum 8 Feb 1834, Literary Gazette 15 Feb 1834, New Monthly Mag March 1834, Eclectic Rev May 1834.

Records of woman, with other poems. Edinburgh, London, Boston, New York 1828, London  1830, 1834, 1837, 1850, Oxford 1991 J. Wordsworth], Lexington, Kentucky 1999 [P.R.Feldman]. Reviews: Literary Gazette 10 May 1828, Monthly Rev June 1828, New Monthly Mag July 1828, Ladies' Museum Feb, April 1829, Edinburgh Rev Oct 1829,  Dublin Univ Mag Feb 1834, Dublin Rev Dec 1836.

Songs of the affections, with other poems. Edinburgh, London 1830, 1835, 1854, Liverpool 1840, Manchester 1843, Philadelphia 1831 (rptd 1860, 1862, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868, 1870, 1873, 1889). Cincinnati 1850 (rptd 1854), Boston 1845. Reviews: Literary Gazette 26  June 1830, Amer Quart Rev June 1837.

National lyrics, and songs for music. Dublin and London 1834, 1836, Philadelphia 1835. Reviews: Literary Gazette 19 April 1834, Eclectic Rev May 1834, New Monthly Mag May 1834.

Scenes and hymns of life, with other religious poems. Edinburgh, London 1834. Philadelphia 1834. Reviews: Eclectic Rev Aug 1834, Athenaeum 2 Aug 1834, Literary Gazette 16 Aug 1834, Dublin Rev Dec 1836, Amer Quart Rev June 1837.


Verse contributions to periodicals and to collaborative works)


Edinburgh Annual Register (for 1815). 1818: Dirge of a highland chief, executed after the Rebellion (anon), 8 (cclvi-cclvii).

Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. 1818: On the death of the Princess Charlotte (April). 1819: The meeting of Wallace and Bruce on the banks of the Carron (Sept; later Wallace's invocation to Bruce). 1826: The heart's dirge (Aug). 1827: The homes of England (April); Song of emigration (July); The graves of the dead (Aug); The tomb of de Bruce (Oct); To the memory of Lord Charles Murray, Woman on the field of battle (Nov); The death-day of K rner (Dec). 1828: The broken lute (March); The bridal day (May); Nature's Farewell (June); The message to the dead (Sept); The two voices (Oct); Tasso's coronation, The voice of the wind (Nov); The land of dreams, The Vaudois wife (Dec). 1829: The storm-painter in his dungeon (Feb); Songs of the affections (I The recall, ii The Indian with his dead child, iii The two homes) (April); Songs of the affections (iv The return, v The wish) (May); Songs of the affections (vi The soldier's death-bed, vii The charmed picture, viii The dreaming child) (June); Songs of the affections (ix The guerilla leader's vow, x Parting words, xi The summons) (July); The heart of Bruce in Melrose Abbey (Oct). 1830: Love and death (Jan); The lady of Provence (Feb); The requiem of genius (March); Triumphant music (April); Music in a room of sickness (June); We return no more (July); The shepherd poet of the Alps (Sept); To the mountain winds (Nov); The palmer, A thought of paradise, To a picture of the Madonna (Dec). 1831: Last song of Sappho, The penitent's return (Jan); Communings with thought, Flowers in a room of sickness, The necromancer (Feb); The sisters (Feb); The burial in the desert, The procession (March); Hymn of the mountain Christian (June); Dreams of heaven, To a butterfly near a tomb (Sept); The freed bird [rptd Feb 1832 with Latin version], Marguerite of France (Oct). 1832: The flower of the desert, Let us depart, The painter's last work, a scene, The swan and the skylark (Feb); A poet's dying hymn (April); The song of the gifted (May); Songs for music.

Edinburgh Magazine. 1820: The Maremma: a tale [later The palace of the Maremma] (Nov).

Literary Gazette: 1822. The Cid's departure into exile [later Songs of the Cid 1] (12 Oct), England's dead (19 Oct).

A collection of poems, ed Joanna Baillie. 1823: Belshazzar's feast.

New Monthly Magazine. 1823: The farewell to the dead, Greek song: the bowl of liberty, Songs of the Cid I (The Cid's death-bed, a ballad) (March); Greek song: the voice of Scio, Songs of the Cid II and III, The voice of spring (April); The bird's release at the grave, Greek song: the shade of Theseus, Song for a Swiss festival on the anniversary of an ancient battle, The statue of a funeral genius (June); The wild huntsman, Valkiur song (July); The treasures of the deep [Rptd in Poetical Album 1828], The sword of the tomb; a northern legend (Aug); Ancient song of a Greek exile [later Ancient Greek song of exile], Moorish bridal song, The isle of founts: an Indian tradition (Sept); Our lady's well (Oct); The release of Tasso (Nov); The lost Pleiad, The sleeper on Marathon (Dec). 1824: The hour of death (Jan), The child of the forests (March); Bring flowers (April); The conqueror's sleep, The messenger bird (June); The vassal's lament for the fallen tree (July); The cavern of the three Tells, Troubadour songs (The warrior crossed, They rear'd no trophy) (Aug); Troubadour song: the captive knight, And I too in Arcadia (Sept); The revelers (Oct); The bended bow, The crusader's return (Dec). 1825: Coeur de Lion at the bier of his father, Thekla's song: or the voice of a spirit (Jan); The Suliote mother (March); Greek funeral chant, The parting song [rpted in Poetical Album 1830] (April); Records of woman 1: Imelda, The stranger in Louisiana (May); The bard's prophecy, A voyager's dream of land (July); Records of woman 2: Costanza, The Sicilian captive (Aug); The hour of romance, The lady of the castle (Sept); Records of woman 3: The bride of the Greek isle (Oct); Bernardo del Caprio, The landing of the Pilgrim fathers in New England (Nov); The graves of a household, Records of woman 4: The Indian city (Dec). 1826: Records of woman 5: The Switzer's wife (Jan); The effigies (Feb); The birds of passage, The vigil of arms (March); Records of woman 6: The American forest-girl (April); Records of woman 7: Gertrude, The sun Records of woman 10: Pauline (Feb), The deserted house, The parting ship (March), The graves of martyrs (April), Breathings of spring (May), The memorial pillar (June), The grave of a poetess, Records of woman 11: Edith (July), The antique sepulchre (Aug); The image in lava, The streams (Sept), Joanna [later Juana in Records of Woman), The subterranean stream (Oct); Fairy favours, The meeting of the brothers (Dec). 1828: Haunted ground (Jan); The chamois hunter's love, Mozart's requiem (April); The dying improvisatore, Song (If thou hast crushed) (May); The beings of the mind (June); The lyre's complaint (Sept); The boon of memory (Oct); The coronation of Inez de Castro, No more (Dec). 1829: The fountain of oblivion, Thekla at her lover's grave (Jan); Sadness and mirth (Feb); The image of the dead [later The Image in the heart] (April); The ruined house (June); The nightingale's death song (Sept); A thought of the future (Nov). 1830: The diver (Jan); Music in a room of sickness (June); A thought of paradise (Dec). 1831: Flowers in a room of sickness, The sisters (Feb); The haunted house (March); The prayer in the wilderness (Aug). 1832: To a flower brought from the field of Gr tli (May); The home of love, To the blue anemone (Sept); Cathedral hymn (Dec). 1833: Repose of the Holy Family: a sonnet, The rising of the dead (May); Words for melodies (Dirge at sea, Sister! since I met thee last, Far away, Echo song, The lyre and flower, Pilgrim's evening song to the evening star, The lonely bird (Dec). 1834: Songs of Spain (The Rio Verde song, The Zegri maid, The last one, The bird of Ebro, Spanish evening hymn, Old Spanish battle song) (Jan); The rock of Cader-Idris: a legend of Wales, Songs for evening music (1-9) [see later Songs for summer hours] (March); The palace of the Maremma (May); Records of passing thought: a series of nine sonnets [later Records of the spring of 1834 I - ix] (Aug); Records of passing thought: a series of nine sonnets [x - xvii later Records of the spring of 1834 x - xvii; xviii uncollecte

Literary Magnet. 1826: To the author of The Excursion and the Lyrical Ballads (April). 1827: Angel visits, Evening song of the Tyrolese peasants, The penitent's offering, The wings of the dove.

Monthly Magazine or British Register. 1826: The traveller at the source of the Nile (July); Casabianca (Aug) [rptd in Poetical Album 1830]; The adopted child (Sept); The Chevalier d'Assas [later The fall of d'Assas: a ballad of France] (Oct); The illuminated city (Nov); The Queen of Prussia's tomb (Dec). 1827: The palm tree (Jan); The spells of home (Feb); The things that change [uncollected] (March); Kindred hearts, The old warrior's grave [later Marshall Schwerin's grave](May); The world in the open air (July); Our daily paths (Oct). 1828: The parting of summer (Feb); The dreamer (June); The King of Arragon's lament for his brother (July); The forsaken hearth (Sept).

Dublin University Magazine. 1833: Dying bird's prophecy; Mignon's song in remembrance of Italy (July). 1835: The poetry of the Psalms (June).

Athenaeum. 1833: Prologue, by Mrs Hemans, to the tragedy of 'Fiesco' (16 Feb); Song (Look on me with thy cloudless eyes) (16 Nov).

London Mercury. Night Blowing Flowers ?? 7, p. 186.

 Also, Hemans published regularly in verse annuals, for instance Amulet (1824, 1826, 1831-34), Bijou: Cameo (1828-29), Christmas Box (1829), Forget-me-not (1829, 1834-35), Friendship's Offering (1827, 1829), Juvenile Forget-me-not (1826-29, 1834-35), Juvenile Keepsake (1829), Juvenile Souvenir (1829), Literary Souvenir (1825-30, 1833), Keepsake (1829), New Year's Gift (1829-30), Pledge of Friendship (1827-28), Poetical Album (1828, 1830), Remembrance (1830-31), and Winter's Wreath (1828-32). See Boyle.

Published letters, journals, etc.

Chorley, H.F. Memorials of Mrs Hemans. 2 vols London, New York, 1836. Letters excerpted.

Translations, commentary

Translations from Camoens and other poets with original poetry. Oxford, London 1818. Reviews: Quart Rev Oct 1820, Ladies' Monthly Museum ns13 1821.

Italian lit: No. II, The Alcestis of Alfieri. Edinburgh Mag Dec 1820. Rptd as Scenes from the Alcestis of Alfieri, New Monthly Mag Feb 1834 [without choruses]; No. III, Il conte di     Carmognola, a tragedy, by Alessandro Manzoni, Edinburgh Mag Feb 1821; No. IV, Caius Gracchus, a Tragedy, by Monti, Edinburgh Mag June 1821.

"Patriotic effusions of the Italian poets." Edinburgh Mag June 1821. Four rptd as Patriotic lays of     Italy in New Monthly Mag April 1834.

"Passages translated from the 'Iphigenia' of Goethe." New Monthly Mag May 1832.

"German studies No. I. Scenes and passages from the 'Tasso' of Goethe." New Monthly Mag Jan   1834.

"On a lady who died at sea. Trn Camoens." Athenaeum 9 Aug 1834. Rev and rptd from Translations from Camoens and other poets.

Jewsbury, M.J. Lays of leisure hours. 1829.

Jewsbury, M.J. The three histories. London 1830, Boston 1831.

Norton, Mrs. E. "To Mrs. Hemans." New Monthly Mag Dec 1833.

Landon, L.E. "Stanzas on the death of Mrs. Hemans". New Monthly Mag July 1835.

Browning, E.B. "Stanzas addressed to Miss Landon." New Monthly Mag Sept 1835. Rptd as "Stanzas on the death of Mrs. Hemans written in reference to Miss Landon's poem on the same subject," in The seraphim and other poems. 1838.

Wordsworth, W. "Extempore effusion upon the death of James Hogg." 1837. [1835 Athenaeum version lacks stanza on Hemans.]

Landon, L.E. "Felicia Hemans". Fisher's Drawing-Room Scrap Book. London, Leipzig 1838.

Thackeray, W.M. "Mrs Perkins's ball ['Miss Bunion']." in his The Christmas books of Mr M.A.Titmarsh. 1846.

Landor, W.S. "The heroines of England." Examiner 2 June 1849. "To the author of Festus: On the classick and romantick." Examiner 29 Dec 1849. Rptd in Heroic idylls. 1863.

Ritchie, Lady A.I. "Felicia felix." in her Blackstick papers. 1908.

Coward, N. "The stately homes of England." in his Operette. 1938.