— The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska —


British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries

Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Brooke, Charlotte

Reliques of Irish Poetry.  Dublin:  George Bonham, 1789.

Reliques of Irish Poetry, Consisting of Heroic Poems, Odes, Elegies, and Songs, Translated into English Verse, with Notes explanatory and historical; and the Originals in the Irish Character, to which is subjoined an Irish Tale
. By Miss Brooke. To which is prefixed, A Memoir of Her Life and Writings. By Aaron Crossly Seymour, Esq. Dublin: J. Christie, 1816. Pp. cxxxvi + 46

Bibliographical Information

Bibliography of Charlotte Brooke's Other Works

Life of Henry Brooke, (1789 ed. of his poems and plays)
The School for Christians. 1791

Prepared by Sandra Byrd, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
     © Sandra Byrd, 2004