— The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska —


British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries

Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


[Costello, Louisa Stuart]

Songs of a Stranger.  London:  Published for the Author. London: by Talor and Hessey, 1825. Vol. 1, ix + 158pp.

NOTE: For an electronic version of the text of Songs of a Stranger, click here.

Bibliographical Information

Note: The following is a list complied of Louisa Stuart Costello's works I was able to locate. Costello's works are arranged into three different categories here and then alphabetized, by the title of the work, within the particular category. Some of these are brief essays or articles.

Biographies, Memoirs and Novels~

Costello, Louisa Stuart. Clara Fane, 1848.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen, 4 vols. 1844.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Gabrielle, 1843.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Karah Kaphlan, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut and His Times, 1847.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Popular Tales of the Ancient Britons, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of Anne, Duchess of Brittany, Twice Queen of France,1855.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memiors of Mary, the Young Duchess of Burgandy, and her Contempraries, 1853.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Queen's Prisoner, or France in the Sixteenth Century, 1841.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Romantic Biography of the Age of Elizabeth, by the Benedictine Order of Glendalough, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Summer Amongst the Bocages and the Vines, 1840.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Venice and the Venetians, with a glance at the Vaudois and the Tyrol, 184?.

History and Travel~

Costello, Louisa Stuart. A Pilgrimage to Auvergne from Picardy to le Velay, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. A Tour to and From Venice, by the Vaudois and the Tyrol, 1846.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Curl Papers of Jasmin, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Descriptive and Historical Sketches of Avranches and its Vicinity, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, from the Seventh to the Seventeenth Centuries, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Elements of Picturesque Scenery, 1853.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Falls, Lakes, and Mountains of North Wales1845.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Fine Arts, their Nature and Relations, 1853.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Glass of Water,1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. History of Bearn and the Basque Country, 1843.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. History of a Breton College under the Empire, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The History of the Painter of All Nations, 1852.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. History of Soissons, 1841.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Journey to Pontoise, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. New History of Paris, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Notices of Reformation in the South West Province of France, 1842.


Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Book of French Songs John Oxenford, 1877?
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Maid of Cypress Isle, and other poems, 1815.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Poems: By Jean Reboul, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Poems of Duke Charles of Orleans, 1843.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Poetry of Bearn, 1843.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Popular Songs of Brittany, 1842.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. The Rose Garden of Perisa, 1845.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Songs of a Stranger, 1825.
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France, 1835.

Prepared by Rachel Battiato, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
© Rachel Battiato, 2004.