— The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska —


British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries

Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Jesse, John

Tales of the Dead, and Other Poems.  London:  Murray, 1830. Pp. 126.

Bibliographical Information

Jesse, John Heneage. George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. London: R. Bentley, 1843.
George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. London: R. Bentley, 1844.
George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. New York:Scribner & Welford; London: Bickers son, 1882.
George Selwyn and his Contemporaries; with Memoirs and Notes. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900.
George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. Boston: L. C. Page, 1902.
Memoirs of the court of England, George Selwyn and his contemporaries: with memoirs and notes. Boston: C. F. Rice Co., 1800-1899?.
George Selwyn and his Contemporaries. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. London: R. Bentley, 1840.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900-1984?.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. Boston: L. C. Page, 1901.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts, including the protectorate. Boston: C. F. Rice Co., 1800-1899?.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. London: R. Bentley, 1855.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. Philadelphia: Lee, 1840.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. London: G.. Bell & sons, 1900-1906.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reign of the Stuarts. London: New York: G. Bells & sons, 1889-1893.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the Court of England: from the Revolution of 1688 to the Death of George the Second. London: Richard Bentley, 1843.
Memoirs of the Court of England: from the Revolution of 1688 to the Death of George the Second. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1843.
Memoirs of the Court of England: from the Revolution of 1688 to the Death of George the Second. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900.
Memoirs of the Court of England during the Reins of William and Mary, Queen Ann, and the first and second Georges. Boston: L. C. Page, 1901.
Memoirs of the Court of England: from the Revolution of 1688 to the Death of George the Second. Boston: C. F. Rice, 1900.
Memoirs of the Court of England: from the Revolution of 1688 to the Death of George the Second. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: R. Bentley, 1845.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: Bohn, 1858.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: Bohn, 1856.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. Boston: L.C. Page, 1901.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: G. Bell and sons, 1890.
Memoirs of the Court of England: the Pretenders and their Adherents. Boston: C. F. Rice Co., 1800-1899?.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: Bohn, 1860.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. Philadelphia: J. W. Moore, 1846.
The Pretenders and their Adherents. London: R. Bentley, 1846.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1883.
Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of King Richard the third. New York: F. P. Harper, 1894.
Memoirs of King Richard the third. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.
Memoirs of King Richard the third. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900-9999?.
Memoirs of King Richard the third and some of his contemporaries. London: R.Bentley, 1861.
Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his contemporaries. Boston: Page, 1902.
Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his contemporaries, with an historical drama on the battle of Bosworth. London: Gibbings,1900.
Memoirs of the court of England: King Richard the third and some of his contemporaries. Boston: Rice, 1880.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1867.
Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. Boston: L. C. Page, 1902.
Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. London: Tinsley Brothers, 1867.
Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900.
Memoirs of the court of England: the life and reign of King George the Third, Boston: Rice, 1880.
Memoirs of the Life and Reign of King George the Third. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Mary Queen of Scots

Jesse, John Heneage. The Last War of the Roses an Historical Drama. 1862.

Jesse, John Heneage. London: a fragmentary poem. London: Saunders and Otley, 1847.

Jesse, John Heneage. Literary and Historical Memoirs of London. London: Richard Bentley, 1847.
Historical and Literary Memorials of the city of London. Boston: L. C. Page & company, 1901.
Literary and Historical Memorials of London. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900.
Literary and Historical Memorials of London. London: C. F. Rice, 1847.

Jesse, John Heneage. London and its Celebrities. London: Richard Bentley, 1850.
London and its Celebrities. Boston: F. A. Niccolls, 1900.
London: its Celebrated Character and Remarkable Places. London: R. Bentley, 1871.
Memoirs of the city of London and its Celebrities. Boston: L. C. Page & company, 1902.
Memoirs of the Court of England, London and its Celebrities. Boston: C. F. Rice Co., 1847.
London and its Celebrities.London: J. C. Nimmon, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. London: R.Bentley and son,1875.
Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. Boston: F.A.Niccolls, 1900-9999?.
Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. Boston: L. C. Page & company, 1902.
Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. London: John C. Nimmo, 1901.

Jesse, John Heneage. Tales of the Dead: and Other Poems. London: Murray, 1830.

Jesse, John Heneage. Charles the Second. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1902.

Prepared by Hyejung Jun, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
     © Hyejung Jun, 2004.