The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska
British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries
Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus
Malcolm, John
Bibliographical Information
Malcolm, John. "Reminiscences of Campaign in the Pyrenees and South of
France in 1814." Constable's Miscellany of Original and Selected
Publications in the Various Departments of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Memorials of the Late War Vol. 1, Vol. 27. Edinburgh: Constable and
Co, 1831. Full text at Short Barrels and Long Bumpers. 29 July 2002. <>.
. Scenes of War and Other Poems. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1828.
. The Buccaneer and Other Poems. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1824.
. Tales of Field and Flood: with Sketches of Life at Home. Edinburgh:
Oliver and Boyd, 1829.
Allibone, Samuel Austin. A Critical Dictionary of English Literature and
British and American Authors, Living and Deceased, from the Earliest Accounts
to the Latter Half of the Nineteenth Century. Containing over Forty-six Thousand
Articles (Authors), with Forty Indexes of Subjects. London: Lippincott,
Boyle, Andrew. An Index to the Annuals. By the Late Andrew Boyle.
Vol. I. The Authors 1820-1850. Worcester: Andrew Boyle Booksellers Ltd., 1967.
European Magazine. 1825: 348-350.
Ladies' Monthly Museum, vol. 20. 1825: 96-97.
Literary Chronicle. 1 Jan. 1825: 5.
New Monthly Magazine, vol. 12. 1824: 507.
"Scottish Regiments: The Black Watch - 1811- 1816."
Trotman, Ken, ed. Mackinnon and Malcolm: Two Peninsular War Journals.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Prepared by Scott Cushman, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
© Scott Cushman, 2004.