— The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska —


British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries

Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Robert Montgomery

Bibliographical Information

M., R. [Montgomery, Robert.] Poetical Trifles. By a Youth. Bath: B. Higman,1825.
Montgomery, Robert. The Age Reviewed: A Satire. London: William Carpenter, 1827.
---. The Church of the Invisible. Or the World of Spirits. A Manual for Christian Mourners. 4th ed. London, 1851.
---. Luther. 6th ed. 8 vols. London, 1852.
---. The Messiah. London: Turrill, 1832.
---. The Omnipresence of the Deity. 28th ed. Revised and corrected with numerous additions. London: Maunder, 1855.
---. Oxford. London: Whitaker, 1831.
---. The Puffiad: A Satire. London: Maunder, 1828.
---. Satan, or Intellect Without God. London: Maunder, 1830.
---. A Universal Prayer; Death; a Vision of Heaven; and a Vision of Hell. London: Maunder 1827.
---. Woman, The Angel of Life. London: Turrill, 1833.

Prepared by Derek Leuenberger, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
     © Derek Leuenberger, 2004.