The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska
British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries
Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus
Moore, Thomas.
Odes Upon Cash, Corn, Catholics and Other Matters. Selected from the Columns
of the Times Journal. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and
Green, Pasternoster-Row, 1828. Pp. 183.
Contemporary Reviews of this Volume
I searched through all of the computer data bases that I could find and that
seemed logical places to check. A reference librarian and I also pored over
the Reference section of Love Library for approximately two hours trying to
pursue some kind of lead. I found absolutely no trace of a review for the work
Odes Upon Cash, Corn, Catholics and Other Matters by Thomas Moore.
From my research, I nevertheless conclude that the collection probably was
received well. Many of Moore's works released in the 1820s were well received
by both critics and the general reading public, so I assume that since the work
seems to be of decent quality, most people who already liked Moore would not
have had any strong reason to dislike this work.
Prepared by Seth Pearsoll, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
© Seth Pearsoll, 2004