— The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska —


British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries

Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Noble, Thomas

Julia; or, Pre-Existent Spirtis. Derby: Pike, [1828].

Bibliographical Information

Noble, Thomas. ----- Blackheath. A poem in five cantos. Lumena, or the ancient British Battle; and various other poems, including a translation of the first book of the Argonautica of C. Valerius Flaccus. London, 1808.
----- Academic Letters; consisting of epistles from youths at school to their friends, etc. London, 1808.
----- Practical Perspective, exemplified on landscapes, engraved by John Clark. London, 1805.
----- Practical Perspective. Second edition. With an essay on the practice of taking views, and many other . . . additions, etc. London, 1809.
----- The Persian Hunters; or the Rose of Gurgistan. An opera in three acts [and in verse]. London, 1817.
----- Poems. Printed for the Author: Liverpool, 1821.
----- Julia, or Pre-Existent Spirits . . . : The Meditative Minstrel, . . . with other smaller poems, etc. Derby, [1828].
----- See Glover (S.) Of Derby. The History of the County of Derby . . . Edited by T. Noble. 1829.
----- See Glover (S.) The Peak Guide . . . Edited by T. Noble. 1830.
----- See Glover (S.) The History and Gazetteer of the county of Derby . . . Edited by T. Noble. 1831, etc.
----- See Periodical Publications.—London. The Voice of the Country . . . Edited by T. Noble. 1832.
----- (Thomas) See Barclay (j.) Curate of Edmonton. Barclay's New Universal English Dictionary, . . . revised by W. S. Horton. And now still further improved . . . By T. Noble. 1835.
----- and Rose (Thomas) The Counties of Chester, Derby, Leicester, Lincoln and Rutland, illustrated. From original drawings by T Allom. With historical and topographical descriptions by T. Noble and T Rose. London, 1836.

Allibone, Austin S. Dictionary of English Literature. Vol. 2. (Philadelphia:  J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1870), p. 1431.
Valpy, A. J. Britian and Ireland. Republished (Detroit:  Gale Research Company, 1966), p. 253.
Norm, Nien. British Museum Genreral Catalogue of Printed Books. Vol. 172 (London:  British Museum, 1963), p. 495.

Prepared by Scott Stenson, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
    © Scott Stenson, 2004.