The Corvey Poets Project at the University of Nebraska
British Poetry of the later Eighteenth and Earlier Nineteenth Centuries
Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus
[Proctor, Bryan W.], pseud. Barry Cornwall
English Songs, and Other Small Poems. London: Moxon, 1832.
Bibliographical Information
Cornwall, Barry. Dramatic Scenes and other Poems. London. 1819.
*Illustrations by John Tenniel, 1857-1858.
Cornwall, Barry. Marcian Colonna, an Italian tale with three Dramatic
Scenes and other poems. 1820.
Cornwall, Barry. A Sicilian Story, with Diego de Montilla and other poems.
Cornwall, Barry. Mirandola: a tragedy (in five acts and in verse).
Cornwall, Barry. Poetical Works. 3 vols. 1822.
Cornwall, Barry. The Flood of Thessaly, the Girl of Provence, and other
poems. 1823.
Cornwall, Barry. Effigies Poeticae, or the Portraits of the British Poets:
illustrated by notes biographical, critical, and poetical. 1824.
Cornwall, Barry. English Songs and other small poems. 1832.
Cornwall, Barry. Life of Edmund Kean. 1835; German translation.
Cornwall, Barry. English Songs and other smaller poems. 3rd edit.
Cornwall, Barry. Essays and Tales of Prose. 2 vols. Boston: 1853.
Cornwall, Barry. Charles Lamb: a Memoir. 1866-8.
Cornwall, Barry. Autobiographical Fragment. ed. C.P. 1877.
Cornwall, Barry. The Works of Ben Jonson, with Memoir. 1838.
Cornwall, Barry. The Works of Shakespeare, with Memoir and Essay on his
Genius. 1843.
Cornwall, Barry. The Works of Shakespeare, with Memoir and Essay on his
Genius. 1853.
Cornwall, Barry. The Works of Shakespeare, with Memoir and Essay on his
Genius. 1857.
Cornwall, Barry. Selections from Browning, in conjunction with
J. Forster. 1863.
Cornwall, Barry. The Works of Shakespeare, with Memoir and Essay on his
Genius. 1875
Cornwall, Barry. Essays of Elia, with a Memoir of Lamb. 1879.
Author's Note:
This is the most complete list of works from this author in circulation from my personal research. Other versions may exist.
Barry Cornwall. 8 Dec. 2004.
"Bryan W. Procter." Appleton's Journal of Literature, Science,
and Art. 4. (1870). 348.
"Bryan W. Procter." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine.
81. (1857). 356.
"Bryan W. Procter." British Quarterly Review. 68. (1878).
"Bryan W. Procter." Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature,
Science, and Art. 89. (1877). 57.
"Bryan W. Procter." Littell's Living Age. 133. (1877).
Cornwall, Barry [Procter, Bryan W.]. Essays and Tales in Prose.
(vol. 1). Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1852.
Cornwall, Barry [Procter, Bryan W.]. English Songs and Other Small Poems.
Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1851. Pp. v + 385.
"Dramatic Scenes." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. 5.
(1819). 310.
"English Songs." New Monthly Magazine and Humorist.
London: 71. (1844). 545-548.
Fields, James T. IB. 24th ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin-Co. (1883). 357-419.
Fields, J.T. "Bryan W. Procter." Harper's New Monthly Magazine.
51. (1875). 777.
Fox, W. J. "Bryan W. Procter." People's Journal. 1.
(1846). 201.
Garnett, Richard. "Procter, Bryan Waller." Dictionary of National
Biography. 46. (1896). 416-418.
Hewlett, H. G. "Bryan W. Procter." Nineteenth Century, a Monthly
Review. 4. (1878). 643.
Procter, Bryan W. "Autobiography of Bryan Waller Procter." Canadian
Monthly and National Review. 12. (1877). 96.
Mayer, S. R. T. "Bryan W. Procter." Gentleman's Magazine.
13. (1874). 55.
Moxon. "English Songs." Monthly Review or Literary Journal.
London: 128. (1832). 379-389.
Stedman, E. C. "Bryan W. Procter." Scribner's Monthly.
7. (1873-74). 463.
Simcox, G.A. "Barry Cornwall." The Fortnightly Review
20[new series]; 26[old series]. (1876): 708-718.
Whipple, Edwin P. Recollections of Eminent Men. Boston & New
York: Houghton, Mifflin, and Co. (1892). 305-343.
Whipple, E. P. "Bryan Waller Procter and some of his Contemporaries."
International Review. 4. (1877). 514.
Wilkinson, Bryan. "Barry Cornwall." Great Thoughts XIII.
Publish Dec.1894: 208.
Not all of the references were used in the collaboration of this project due
to non-accessibility. These are listed as an index for future research on this
topic. Hopefully, others will be able to find and access these resources in
the future. I only hope we can keep the work of this author alive for centuries
to come.
Prepared by Rebecca J. Bodenhamer, University of Nebraska, December 2004.
© Rebecca J. Bodenhamer, 2004