The Corvey Novels Project at the University of Nebraska
Studies in British Literature of the Romantic Period
[anon.] The Monks and the Robbers: a Tale of the Fifteenth Century. 2 vols.
London: George Robinson, 1808.
NOTE: "Originally Published in 53 parts in the ILady's MagazineI, over an unprecendented period of nearly eleven years (Aug 1794 - Nov. 1794, Apr 1798-May 1805). The story, written by a reader, was abandoned after three parts, and resumed by a voluneteer, "A. Percy," in 1798 (see Mayo, Item 913)." -- Garside/Schöwerling, p 263; 1808:10
Contemporary Reviews
Critical essay on The Monks and the Robbers by Gavin Healey
See also Roberta Magnani. "The Mysterious Mrs. Meeke: A Biographical
and Bibliographical Study," accessible by clicking here