The Corvey Novels Project at the University of Nebraska

— Studies in British Literature of the Romantic Period —


Sarah Green

Mrs. Green. Who is the Bridegroom? or, Nuptial Discoveries, a Novel

London:  A. K. Newman and Co., 1822

Contemporary Reviews

La Belle Assemble, ns, v26 (1822), p.430

Who is the Bridegroom? Or, Nuptial Discoveries; a novel, by Mrs. Green, author of "Romance Readers and Romance Writers, Reformist, Carthusian Friar," &c. &c. &c. London: printed for A. K. Newman and co. Leadenhall-street, 1822. ?267P; ?229P; ?262P. 12mo. 16S 6D

We may justly say that Mrs. Green's novels are never too voluminous, and their lightness alone would be sufficient to tempt us to read them through, without the fear of weariness: however, we are generally repaid by the amusement they afford us; for the modern domestic novel seems to be particularly Mrs. Green's forte: from a knowledge of the world, and the advantages of travel, she proves herself mistress of her subject, whether in describing the frivolous pursuits of fashion, or the workings of passion and principle on the human mind.

Certainly we must say that some of the characters in the above volumes are rather too highly colored; a fault which the author seems herself aware at the conclusion, by her apology; to her reasons we cannot forbear, in part, acceding.

We cannot dismiss this subject without giving our praise to the character of Lady Diana Wentworth, both as to its true nobility of heart and its originality; but there are no such Mrs. Malaprop's as Lady Ashton, we believe, in the present day, to be found in fashionable life.

List of New Publications [Notices, without comment]

The Edinburgh Review 37: 536 (Nov 1822)
The Quarterly Review 27: 558 (July 1822); 28: 269 (Oct 1822)

-- Prepared by Hyejung Jun, University of Nebraska, April 2006.
© Hyejung Jun, 2006