The Corvey Novels Project at the University of Nebraska
Studies in British Literature of the Romantic Period
Susannah Gunning
Mrs. Gunning. The Heir Apparent: a Novel. By the late Mrs. Gunning . . . Revised and Augmented by her Daughter, Miss [Elizabeth] Gunning.
London: James Ridgway and H. D. Symonds,
Contemporary Reviews
Annual Review, 1 (1802), 725 [This review is available
on the CW3
Critical Review, ns v35 (Aug. 1802), 477
(Art. 48.) The Heir Apparent: a Novel. By the late Mrs. Gunning. Revised
and augmented by her Daughter, Miss Gunning. In 3 Vols. 12mo. 12s. Boards.
Ridgway. 1802.
If novels were written in our days as
they were half a century backthat is, with all the care and attention
their authors could bestow on themwe should term the Heir Apparent a
hasty production, full of repetitions and inaccuracies of language. But, as
the circulating library must now be yearly supplied at wholesale price, and
he who writes fastest is the best man, it is but fair to allow that this article
is of as marketable a quality as the produce of most other manufacturers.
Monthly Mirror, 15 (Mar. 1803), 179. [not seen]
Monthly Review, ns, v40 (Feb. 1803), 208. [not
New Annual Register, 23 (1802), 322 [This review is available on the CW3 Website.]
-Prepared by Margaret Case Croskery, Ohio Northern University, July 2003