The Corvey Novels Project at the University of Nebraska
Studies in British Literature of the Romantic Period
Elizabeth Gunning
Miss Gunning. The War-Office: a Novel. By Miss Gunning.
London: Published for the Author by M. Jones, No. 1, Paternoster-Row, 1803.
Contemporary Reviews
Flowers of Literature, 2 (1803), 465
not seen
Monthly Visitor, ns, v3 (Feb. 1803), 206
The War Office, a Novel. By Miss Gunning, author of The Packet-Farmer's
Boy, &c. &c. In three volumes. 12s. Jones.
The war-office in times of PEACE! Surely
it is necessary we should have done with every thing relating to hostility-happily
scenes of desolation and slaughter are no more! But let not the reader be
alarmed-here nothing will be found to injure his benevolent feelings -for
the incidents detailed are calculated to confirm and augment our love of
humanity. The story on the whole, is well conducted, and its tendency favourable
to the interests of the rising generation.
There are some young persons, particularly
females, who cannot be induced to look into a publication which comes not
under the rank of novels. To such we recommend this caution-that they should
always endeavour to avoid trash, and to peruse those few novels which will
ensure their improvement.
Union Magazine and Imperial Register, 4 (Dec. 1802), 399-400
not seen
-Prepared by Margaret Case Croskery, Ohio Northern University, July 2003