Author: Dacre, Charlotte [Charlotte King][ (b. 1782)
Title: Tales of Helicon
Date: 1798
Bibliographical Information
King, Charlotte, and Sophia King. Trifles of Helicon. London, James Ridgway, 1798.
Dacre, Charlotte. Hours of Solitude. London, 1805.
Dacre, Charlotte. Confessions of the Nun of St. Omer. London, J. F. Hughes, 1805.
Dacre, Charlotte. Zofloya, or, The Moor. London. 1806.
Dacre, Charlotte. The Libertine. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1807.
Dacre, Charlotte. The Passions. 1811.
Dacre, Charlotte. George the Fourth. London, Hatchard and Son, 1822.
Prepared by Alexandria Ahlers-Prince, University of Nebraska, Spring 2018
© Alexandria Ahlers-Prince, 2018