The Romantic-Era Women Writers Project at Nebraska   


Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Author: Porter, Anna Maria (1780-1832)

Title: Ballad Romances, and Other Poems.

Date: 1811


Bibliographical Information

Artless Tales vol. 1 (1793)
Artless Tales vol. 2 (1795)
Walsh Colville (1797)
Octavia (1798)
The Lake of Killarney (1804)
A Sailor's Friendship, and a Soldier's Love (1805)
The Hungarian Brothers (1807)
Don Sebastian; or, The House of Braganza (1809)
Ballad Romances, and other Poems (1811)
Tales of Pity on Fishing, Shooting, and Hunting, intended to inculcate in the mind of youth, sentiments of humanity toward the brute creation (1814)
The Recluse of Norway (1814)
The Knight of St. John (1817)
The Fast of St. Magdalen (1818)
The Village of Mariendorpt (1821)
Roche-Blanche; or, the Hunters of the Pyrenees (1821)
Honor O'Hara (1826)
Tales Round a Winter Hearth (1826; a collaboration with Jane Porter)
Coming Out; and The Field of Forty Footsteps (1828; a collaboration with Jane Porter)
The Barony (1830)

Prepared by Meghan McAuliffe, University of Nebraska, Spring 2018
© Meghan McAuliffe, 2018