The Romantic-Era Women Writers Project at Nebraska   


Bibliographical and Contextual Apparatus


Author: Sargant, Jane Alice (dates uncertain; fl. 1817-21)

Title: Sargant, Jane Alice. Sonnets and Other Poems

Date: 1817


Bibliographical Information

Sargant, Jane Alice. An Address to the Peers of England. [In Reference to the Proceedings in the House of Lords Against Queen Caroline.]  London, W. Wright, 1820.
Sargant, Jane Alice. Joan of Arc: A Play in Five Acts. London, J. Rickerby, 1840.
Sargant, Jane Alice. Ann Ash: Or The Foundling London, 1851.
Sargant, Jane Alice. Charlie Burton London, 1854.

Prepared by Gail Jeffrey, University of Nebraska, Spring 2018
© Gail Jeffrey, 2018