English 305A:

The English Novel 1700-1900

Fall 2002

Stephen C. Behrendt
319 Andrews Hall    
phone: 472-1806     

office hours:           
10:00 - 11:00 TR     
and by appointment

To send Email: click here


James Gillray, Wife or No Wife

Group Presentations on Individual Authors

Each of you will have the opportunity, as part of the requirements for this course, to participate in a group presentation on one of the authors we will be studying. I plan to distribute a sign-up sheet during the second week of the course, so that you can select the author and work that best fits your interests, your experience, and your schedule. I am also going to limit the number of persons in each group, so that the groups will be relatively well balanced and so that everyone ends up with approximately the same amount of preparation and presentation time.

The group presentations should include research and may include any sort of materials the group chooses to illustrate or supplement the presentation (supplementary materials are not required). Each report should include four sections, as follows:

Before you make your group presentation, you should prepare a handout to accompany your presentation and make sufficient copies for everyone in the class. This handout should identify the principal ideas and issues you will address in your presentation. It should also list the specific, sharply focused questions which will be "answered" or otherwise addressed in your presentation.

Obviously, you will need to plan well for your presentation. I will expect all your presentations to be well informed, well organized, and made with the care, courtesy, and professionalism appropriate to any activity for which you share, collectively, responsibility for a major piece of classroom time. I will also expect audience members for each presentation to be equally well prepared to do their part to make the presentation a success, including asking good questions and behaving courteously and professionally.