English 4/805B: Nineteenth Century Fiction:
Fiction of the Romantic Period
Fall 2002
Stephen C. Behrendt
319 Andrews; 472-1806
office: 10:00 -11:00 TR
and by appointment
James Gillray, Presages of the Millenium (1795)
and Works for the Corvey Women Novelists project :
Selina Davenport
[anon.]. An Angel's Form and a Devil's Heart: a Novel (1818)
[anon.]. Donald Monteith, The Handsomest Man of the Age: a Novel (1814)
[anon.]. The Hypocrite: or, The Modern Janus; a Novel (1814)
[anon.]. Italian Vengeance and English Forbearance: a Romance (1828)
[anon.]. Leap Year; or, Woman's Privilege; a Novel (1817)
[anon.]. The Original of the Miniature: a Novel (1816)
[anon.]. Personation: a Novel (1834)
[anon.]. The Queen's Page: a Romance (1831)
[anon.]. The Unchanged: a Novel (1832)
Catherine Gore
Mrs. Charles Gore. The Bond: A Dramatic Poem (1824)
[anon.]. The Fair of Mayfair (1832).
[anon.]. The Hamiltons; or, The New Aera (1834)
Mrs. Charles Gore. The Historical Traveller: Comprising Narratives Connected
with the Most Curious Epochs of European History, and with the Phenomena of
European Countries (1831)
[anon.]. Hungarian Tales (1829)
[anon.]. The Lettre de Cachet: a Tale. The Reign of Terror: a Tale (1827)
Mrs. Gore. A Life's Lessons (1857).
Mrs. Gore. Mammon: or, The Hardships of an Heiress (1855)
[anon.]. The Opera: a Novel (1832)
[anon.]. Pin Money: a Novel (1833)
[anon.]. Polish Tales (1833)
[anon.]. Richelieu: or, The Broken Heart; an Historical Tale (1826)
[anon.]. Romances of Real Life (1829)
[anon.]. The Sketch Book of Fashion (1833)
[anon.]. The Tuileries: a Tale (1831)
Sarah Green
[anon.] The Fugitive: or, Family Incidents (1815)
Mrs. Green. Gretna Green Marriages: or, The Nieces; a Novel (1823)
Mrs. Green. Parents and Wives: or, Inconsistency and Mistakes; a Novel (1825)
Mrs. Green. Percival Ellingford: or, The Reformist; a Novel (2nd ed.) (1816)
[anon.] Tales of the Manor (1809)
[anon.]. "A Lady." Tankerville Family (1808)
Mrs. Green. Who is the Bridegroom?; or, Nuptial Discoveries; a Novel (1822)
Elizabeth Gunning
Mrs. Plunkett (Late Miss Gunning). Dangers Through Life: or, The Victim of
Seduction; a Novel (1810)
Miss Gunning. The Farmer's Boy: a Novel (1802)
Miss Gunning. The Foresters: a Novel (1796)
Miss Gunning. The Gipsy Countess: a Novel (1799)
Mrs. Gunning and Miss Gunning. The Heir Apparent: a Novel (1794)
Miss Gunning. Lord Fitzhenry: a Novel (1794)
Miss Gunning. The Orphans of Snowdon: a Novel (1807)
Miss Gunning. The Victims of Seduction: or, Memoirs of a Man of Fashion; a Tale
of Modern Times (1815)
Miss Gunning. The War Office: a Novel (1803)
Jane Harvey
[anon.]. The Ambassador's Secretary: a Tale (1828)
[anon.]. Any Thing But What You Expect (1819)
[anon.]. Auberry Stanhope: or, Memoirs of an Author (1814)
[anon.]. Brougham Castle: a Novel (1816)
[anon.] The Castle of Tynemouth: a Tale (1806)
[anon.]. Ethelia: a Tale (1814)
[anon.]. The Governor of Belleville: a Tale (1808)
[anon.]. Mountalyth: a Tale (1823)
[anon.]. Records of a Noble Family (1814)
[anon.]. Singularity: a Novel (1822)
[anon.]. Warkfield Castle: a Tale (1802)
Anne Hatton
Ann of Swansea. Cesario Rosalba: or, The Oath of Vengeance; a Romance (1819)
Ann of Swansea. Chronicles of an Illustrious House: or, The Peer, the Lawyer,
and the Hunchback; a Novel (1816)
Ann of Swansea. Conviction: or, She is Innocent!; a Novel (1814)
Ann of Swansea. Deeds of the Olden Time: a Romance (1826)
Ann of Swansea. Gerald Fitzgerald: an Irish Tale (1831)
[anon.]. Gonzalo de Baldivia: or, A Widow's Vow; a Romantic Legend (1817)
Ann of Swansea. Guilty or Not Guilty: or, A Lesson for Husbands (1822)
Ann of Swansea. Lovers and Friends: or, Modern Attachments; a Novel (1821)
Ann of Swansea. Secret Avengers: or, The Rock of Glotzden; a Romance (1815)
Ann of Swansea. Secrets in Every Mansion: or, The Surgeon's Memorandum-Book;
a Scottish Record (1818)
Ann of Swansea. Sicilian Mysteries: or, The Fortress of Vechii; a Romance (1812)
Ann of Swansea. Uncle Peregrine's Heiress: a Novel (1828)
Ann of Swansea. Woman's a Riddle: a Romantic Tale (1824)
Barbara Hofland
[anon.]. Africa Described, in Its Ancient and Present State (1828)
Mrs. Hofland. Beatrice: a Tale Founded on Facts (1829)
Mrs. Hofland. The Captives in India: a Tale; and A Widow and a Will (1834)
[anon.]. The Daughter-in-Law, Her Father, Family. (1813)
Mrs. Hofland. Decision: a Tale (1824)
Mrs. Hofland. A Father as He Should Be: a Novel (1815)
Mrs. Hofland. Integrity; a Tale (1823)
[anon.]. Katherine: a Tale (1828)
Mrs. Hofland. The Maid of Moscow; or Iwanowna: a Novel (1816)
[anon.]. The Merchant's Wife and Her Family (1814)
Mrs. Hofland. Moderation: a Tale (1825)
[anon.]. Patience and Perseverance: or, The Modern Griselda; a Domestic Tale
Mrs. Hofland. Reflection: a Tale (1826)
[anon.]. "An Old-fashioned Englishman." Says She to Her Neighbour,
What? (1812)
Mrs. Hofland. Self-Denial: a Tale (1827)
Mrs. Hofland. Tales of the Manor (1822)
Mrs. Hofland. Tales of the Priory (1820)
Mrs. Hofland. A Visit to London: or, Emily and Her Friends; a Novel (1814)
Mary Meeke
Mrs. Meeke. Amazement: a Novel (1804)
[anon.]. Anecdotes of the Altamont Family: a Novel (1800)
Mrs. Meeke. Conscience: a Novel (1814)
Mrs. Meeke. Ellesmere: a Novel (1799)
[anon.]. Independence: a Novel (1802)
Mrs. Meeke. Julien: Or, My Father's House; a Novel (1807)
"Gabrielli." Laughton Priory: a Novel (1809)
Mrs. Meeke. Matrimony, the Height of Bliss or the Extreme of Misery; a Novel
Mrs. Meeke. Midnight Weddings: a Novel (1802)
Mrs. Meeke. The Monks and the Robbers: a Tale of the Fifteenth Century (1808)
"Gabrielli." Mysterious Husband: a Novel (1801)
"Gabrielli." The Mysterious Wife: a Novel (1797)
Mrs. Meeke. The Nine Days' Wonder: a Novel (1804)
Mrs. Meeke. The Old Wife and Young Husband: a Novel (1804)
[anon.]. Something Odd!: a Novel (1804)
"Gabrielli." Something Strange: a Novel (1806)
Mrs. Meeke. The Spanish Campaign: or, The Jew; a Novel (1815)
"Gabrielli." Stratagems Defeated: a Novel (1811)
Mrs. Meeke. A Tale of Mystery, or Celina: a Novel (1803)
Mrs. Meeke. There is a Secret, Find It Out!: a Novel (1808)
Mrs. Meeke. The Veiled Protectress: or, The Mysterious Mother: a Novel (1819)
Mrs. Meeke. What Shall Be, Shall Ne: a Novel (1823)
Mrs. Meeke. Which is the Man?: a Novel (1801)
Mrs. Meeke. The Wonder of the Village: a Novel (1805)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. Arrivals from India: or, Time's a Great Master;
a Novel (1812)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. The Blandfords: or, Fate and Fortune; a Novel (1829).
Mrs Mosse. A Bride and No Wife; a Novel (1817)
[anon.]. Craigh-Melrose Priory: or, Memoirs of the Mount Linton Family; a Novel
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. A Father's Love and a Woman's Friendship: or, The
Widow and Her Daughters; a Novel (1825)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. Gratitude: and Other Tales (1826)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. The Heirs of Villeroy: a Romance (1806)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. Lussington Abbey: a Novel (1804)
Henrietta Rouviere. The Old Irish Baronet: or, Manners of my Country; a Novel
Henrietta Rouviere. A Peep at Our Ancestors: an Historical Romance (1807)
Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. Woman's Wit and Man's Wisdon: or, Intrigue; a Novel
Anna Maria Porter
Anna Maria Porter. Ballad Romances, and Other Poems (1811)
Anna Maria Porter. The Barony (1830)
Anna Maria Porter. Don Sebastian: or, The House of Braganza; an Historical Romance
Anna Maria Porter. The Fast of St. Magdalen: a Romance (2nd ed.) (1819)
A. M. Porter. Honor O'Hara: a Novel (1826)
Anna Maria Porter. The Hungarian Brothers (2nd ed.) (1808)
Anna Maria Porter. The Knight of St. John: a Romance (1817)
Anna Maria Porter. The Lake of Killarney: a Novel (1804)
Anna Maria Porter. Octavia (1798)
Anna Maria Porter. The Recluse of Norway (1814)
Anna Maria Porter. Roche-Blanche: or, The Hunters of the Pyrenees; a Romance
[anon.]. A Sailor's Friendship, and A Soldier's Love (1805)
Anna Maria Porter. The Village of Mariendorpt: a Tale (1821)
Regina Marie Roche
[anon.]. Anna: or, Edinburg; a Novel (1815)
Regina Marie Roche. Bridal of Dunamore. And Lost and Won. 2 Tales (1825)
Regina Marie Roche. Contrast (1828)
Regina Marie Roche. The Discarded Son: or, Haunt of the Banditti; a Tale (1807)
Regina Marie Roche. The Houses of Osma and Almeria: or, Convent of St. Ildefonso;
a Tale (1810)
[anon.]. London Tales: or, Reflective Portrait (1814)
Regina Marie Roche. The Maid of the Hamlet: a Tale (2nd ed.) (1800)
Regina Marie Roche. The Monastery of St. Columb: or, The Atonement; a Novel
Regina Marie Roche. The Munster Cottage Boy: a Tale (1820)
Regina Marie Roche. Nocturnal Visit: a Tale (1800)
Regina Marie Roche. Trecothick Bower: or, The Lady of the West Country a Tale
Regina Marie Roche. The Tradition of the Castle: or, Scenes in the Emerald Isle
Regina Marie Roche. The Vicar of Lansdowne: or, Country Quarters (2nd ed.) (1800)
"Rosalia St. Clair"
Rosalia St. Clair. The Banker's Daughters of Bristol: or, Compliance and Decision;
a Novel (1824)
Rosalia St. Clair. Clavering Tower: a Novel (1822)
Rosalia St. Clair. The Doomed One: or, They Met as Glenlon; a Tale of the Highlands
Rosalia St. Clair. Eleanor Ogilvie, the Maid of the Tweed: a Romantic Legend
Rosalia St. Clair. Fashionables and Unfashionables: a Novel (1827)
Rosalia St. Clair. The First and Last Years of Wedded Life: a Novel (1827)
Rosalia St. Clair. The Highland Castle, and the Lowland Cottage: a Novel (1820)
Rosalia St. Clair. The Pauper Boy: or, The Ups and Downs of Life; a Novel (1834)
Rosalia St. Clair. The Sailor Boy: or, The Admiral and His Protege; a Novel
Rosalia St. Clair. The Soldier Boy: or, The Last of the Lyals; a Novel (1831)
Rosalia St. Clair. The Son of O'Donnel: a Novel (1819)
Rosalia St. Clair. Ulrica of Saxony: A Romantic Tale of the Fifteenth Century
Louisa Stanhope
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Age We Live In; a Novel (1809)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Bandit's Brde: or, The Maid of Saxony; a Romance
(2nd ed.) (1818)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Confessional of Valombre: a Romance (1812)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Corsair's Bride: a Legend of the 16th Century (1830)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Crusaders: An Historical Romance of the 12th Century
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. De Montranzo: or, The Novice of Corpus Domini; a Romance
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Festival of Mora: an Historical Romance (1821)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. Madelina: A Tale Founded on Facts (1814)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. Montbrasil Abbey: or, Material Trials; a Tale (1806)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Nun of Santa Maria de Tindaro: a Tale (1818)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. Runnemede: An Ancient Legend (1825)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Seer of Tiviotdale: a Romance (1827)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Siege of Kenilworth: An Historical Romance (1824)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. Striking Likenesses: or, The Votaries of Fashion; a
Novel (1808)
Louisa Sidney Stanhope. Treachery: or, The Grave of Antoinett: a Romance, Interspersed
with Poetry (1815)
Elizabeth Thomas
"Bridget Bluemantle." The Baron of Falconberg: or, Childe Harolde
in Prose (1815)
"Bridget Bluemantle." Claudine: or, Pertinacity; a Novel (1817)
"Bridget Bluemantle," The Husband and Wife: or, The Matrimonial Martyr;
a Novel (1808)
"Bridget Bluemantle," Monte Video: or, The Officer's Wife and Her
Sister; a Novel (1809)
"Bridget Bluemantle," Mortimer Hall: or, The Labourer's Hire; a Novel
"Bridget Bluemantle," The Prison-House: or, The World We Live In;
a Novel (1814)
"Bridget Bluemantle," The Vindictive Spirit: a Novel (1812)
"Bridget Bluemantle," Woman, or Minor Maxims; a Sketch (1818)
Jane West
[anon.]. The Advantages of Education: or, The History of Maria Williams; a
Tale for Very Young Ladies (2nd ed.) (1803)
[anon.]. Alicia de Lacy: an Historical Romance (1814)
[anon.]. The Church of St. Siffrid (1797)
[anon.]. A Gossip's Story, and a Legendary Tale (4th ed.) (1799)
[anon.]. The Infidel Father (1802)
Mrs. West. Poems and Plays (1799)
[anon.]. Ringrove: or, Old fashioned Notions (1827)
[anon.]. A Tale of the Times (2nd ed.) (1799)
[anon.]. The Loyalists: An Historical Novel (1812)
[anon.]. The Refusal (1810)
[anon.]. Vicissitudes of Life: Exemplified in the Interesting Memoirs of a Young
Lady, in a Series of Letters (1815)
Some of the titles listed here are not first editions. For all such novels, you should determine the year in which the novel first appeared (the National Union Catalogue can help you here), and you should begin looking for reviews in periodicals published during that year, using that "first edition" as the basis for your collection of reviews. For novels that went through more than one edition, you may find it useful to check to see whether subsequent editions were ever reviewed and if they were to consider why they received this additional notice.