The following novels from the Corvey Collection have been selected for "target texts" in English 4/805B, Fall 2002


Selina Davenport

[anon.]. An Angel's Form and a Devil's Heart: a Novel (1818)

Catherine Gore

[anon.] Richelieu: or, The Broken Heart; an Historical Tale (1826)
[anon.] The Opera: a Novel (1832)

Sarah Green

[anon.] Romance Readers and Romance Writers: a Satirical Novel (1810)
Mrs. Green. Gretna Green Marriages; or, The Nieces, a Novel (1823)

Elizabeth Gunning

Miss Gunning. Lord Fitzhenry: a Novel (1794)

Jane Harvey

[anon.] Any Thing But What You Expect (1819)
[anon.] The Castle of Tynemouth: a Tale (1806)

Barbara Hofland

Mrs. Hofland. Decision: a Tale (1824)
Mrs. Hofland. Moderation: a Tale (1825)
Mrs. Hofland. Self-Denial: a Tale (1827)

Mary Meeke

"Gabrielli." The Mysterious Wife: a Novel (1797)
"Gabrielli." Independence: a Novel (1802)

"Gabrielli." Something Strange: a Novel (1806)
Mrs. Meeke. The Monks and the Robbers: a Tale of the Fifteenth Century (1808)
Mrs. Meeke. The Spanish Campaign; or, The Jew; a Novel (1815)

Henrietta Rouviere Mosse

Henrietta Rouviere Mosse. Arrivals from India: or, Time's a Great Master; a Novel (1812)

Regina Marie Roche

Regina Marie Roche. The Maid of the Hamlet: a Tale. 2nd. ed. (1800)

Louisa Sidney Stanhope

Louisa Sidney Stanhope. The Bandit's Bride; or, The Maid of Saxony. a Romance. 2nd. ed. (1818)

Elizabeth Thomas

"Bridget Bluemantle." Monte Video: or, The Officer's Wife and Her Sister; a Novel (1809)
"Bridget Bluemantle." The Prison-House; or, The World We Live In; a Novel (1814)

Jane West

[anon.] The Advantages of Education: or, The History of Maria Williams; a Tale for Very Young Ladies. 2nd ed. (1803)
[anon.] A Gossip's Story, and a Legendary Tale. 4th ed. (1799)

list last updated on 25 November, 2002