The Corvey Novels Project at the University of Nebraska

— Studies in British Literature of the Romantic Period —



Mary Meeke

"Gabrielli." The Mysterious Wife: a Novel (1797)
"Gabrielli." Independence: a Novel (1802)
Mrs. Meeke. The Old Wife and the Young Husband. a Novel (1804)
"Gabrielli." Something Strange: a Novel (1806)
Mrs. Meeke. The Spanish Campaign; or, The Jew; a Novel (1815)

[?Mary Meeke?] [anon.] The Monks and the Robbers. A Tale of the Fifteenth Century (1808)

—A doubtful attribution, in light of the circumstances of its publicatoion. For further information, follow this link.


For a brief biographical and critical essay on Mary Meeke, by Michael Page, click here

See also Roberta Magnani. "The Mysterious Mrs. Meeke: A Biographical and Bibliographical Study," accessible by clicking here

See also Michael Page. "Mary Meeke's ‘SOMETHING STRANGE’:   The Development of the Novel and the Possibilities of the Imagination," accessible by clicking here