English 180:
Introduction to Literature

Spring Semester 2008

Stephen C. Behrendt
319 Andrews Hall
phone: 472-1806
office: 1230-130 TR
and by appointment



               James Gillray, Humphrey's Shop


Course Writing Requirements

Two Examinations:
         Midterm Examination on Fiction, written in class
         Comprehensive Final Examination over the entire course, written at the Final Exam period

Two brief papers:

One paper each on Short Fiction and Poetry, due in class on the days and dates assigned. The emphasis in each paper will be on how the piece you select "works," rather than on what it "means." You will be writing in detail about what aspects of each piece of writing make that piece particularly effective for you as a reader. Each paper is worth 20% of your course grade.


Every Day:

I expect you to be present for all class meetings. Because the university has no policy which permits class absences, you may expect that conspicuous absences will have a negative impact on your course grade. Additionally, I may give unannounced quizzes over the assigned reading materials at any time. There will be no opportunities to "make up" quizzes or other in-class materials and activities that you miss by being absent from class.


Point values for course writing assignments:

     — Two examinations:

Midterm Examination = 20% of total course grade
Final Examination =       25% of total course grade

     — Two brief papers:

20% of total course grade each (40% total)

Here are the grading standards by which I will evaluate your papers.

     — Total weight of all course writing = 85% of total course grade

     — Participation in Classroom Discussion= 15% of final course grade
                  — see course information for additional details